Rabbit Owners Journal

Fruitful Endeavors: What Delicacies Can Horses Munch On?

  Key Takeaway: What Fruits Can Horses Eat?Horses, whether it's a majestic stallion or a playful pony, enjoy a variety of fruits as treats. While fruits can offer essential vitamins and hydration, not all fruits are safe. It's essential to know which ones to serve, how to prepare them, and in what amounts to maintain your horse's health. 1. Horse-Friendly Fruits: The Yays! Contrary to popular belief, horses thrive on more than just hay. They enjoy a range of fruits, which are perfect for training rewards or just plain pampering. Some top picks include: Apples: A classic favorite. Always remove...

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Berry Good News: Can Guinea Pigs Relish Strawberries?

Key Takeaway: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Strawberries? Guinea pigs can absolutely enjoy strawberries as an occasional treat. Packed with vitamins and antioxidants, strawberries can offer some health benefits for your piggies. However, moderation is the key. Too much can lead to health issues due to their natural sugar content. 1. Why Strawberries? When it comes to treating our beloved piggies, we always want the best. Strawberries can be a delightful snack because: They're packed with Vitamin C, crucial for guinea pigs as they don't produce it naturally. They contain beneficial antioxidants. They're juicy and hydrating. They're simply delicious (according to most...

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Sunny Bunny Days: How Much Sunlight Do Our Furry Friends Need?

Amidst the rustling hay and the crunchy veggies that our bunnies munch on, there's another essential aspect of their daily lives we often overlook: sunlight. Just how much of those golden rays do our rabbits need daily? Let's hop into the details! Key Takeaways: Daily Sunlight Requirements for Bunnies Rabbits, like many other animals, benefit from regular exposure to sunlight. On average, bunnies should receive about 2-4 hours of natural sunlight daily. This not only aids in vitamin D synthesis but also helps regulate their biological clock. However, always ensure your rabbit has access to shade and stays hydrated, especially...

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Capsi-Can or Capsi-Can't?: The Colorful Truth About Guinea Pigs and Capsicum

🗝️ Key Takeaway Can Guinea Pigs eat Capsicum Yes, guinea pigs can eat capsicum! This vibrant vegetable is a veritable Vitamin C vault—an essential nutrient for piggies. However, moderation is key. Too much can lead to digestive issues. Always remove the seeds and offer small, bite-sized pieces. Let’s delve deeper into the color-coded world of capsicum and guinea pigs! 🌶️ Capsicum: What's the Big Deal? First things first, capsicum is a superfood for guinea pigs, especially when it comes to Vitamin C. Guinea pigs, like us, can’t produce Vitamin C, so they rely on their diet to source this essential...

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What Is The Best Hay for Guinea Pigs In Australia?

When it comes to providing the best nutrition for your Piggies, hay plays a crucial role in their diet. In Australia, there are several excellent hay options that can keep your little friends healthy and happy! 1. Oaten Hay Oaten hay is super popular choice for Guinea Pigs in Australia. It has a good balance of fiber and nutrients, promoting optimal gut health and preventing digestive issues. Oaten hay grows well in Australia and is typically available all year round. Checkout our Oaten Hay rabbit boxes. How to find good oaten hay:   The strands of hay should not be dusty...

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