What Is The Best Hay for Guinea Pigs In Australia?

When it comes to providing the best nutrition for your Piggies, hay plays a crucial role in their diet. In Australia, there are several excellent hay options that can keep your little friends healthy and happy!

1. Oaten Hay

Oaten hay is super popular choice for Guinea Pigs in Australia. It has a good balance of fiber and nutrients, promoting optimal gut health and preventing digestive issues. Oaten hay grows well in Australia and is typically available all year round. Checkout our Oaten Hay rabbit boxes. How to find good oaten hay:


  • The strands of hay should not be dusty or brittle, look for long soft stalks of hay. 
  • Color of the hay should be green to light yellow. Your hay shouldn't look like straw. 
  • There should be no hard seed heads in the hay, it should have 'unset' seed heads that are still soft when squeezed. 
Oaten hay for rabbits.

Green oaten hay

Here's a nutritional table for oaten hay. Please note that the values are approximate and can vary based on factors like soil quality and climate where the hay is grown.

Nutrient Amount per 100g
Calories 32 kcal
Protein 7g
Fiber 32g
Sugars 1.5g
Calcium 0.41g
Phosphorus 0.12g
Magnesium 0.18g
Potassium 1.1g
Sodium 0.005g
Zinc 20mg
Copper 5mg
Iron 45mg
Vitamin A 50 IU
Vitamin D Trace amounts
Vitamin E 5 IU
Omega-3 Fatty Acids 0.3g
Omega-6 Fatty Acids 0.5g

Again, these values are approximate and meant to give a general idea of the nutritional content of oaten hay. Always consult with a veterinarian for the most accurate dietary information for your specific pet.

2. Lucerne Hay

Lucerne hay is highly nutritious and rich in protein, making it a great choice for baby pigs. It promotes good digestion and helps maintain dental health. It has a high calcium and protein content and is perfect for baby Piggies under about 7 months old, after which its best to be fed sparingly as a treat. Checkout our Lucerne hay Rabbit And Guinea Pig boxes!


Bales of Lucerne hay.

Bales of leafy Lucerne hay.

Here's a nutritional table for Lucerne Hay (also known as Alfalfa Hay). Keep in mind that these values are approximate and can differ based on various factors like the growing conditions and soil quality.

Nutrient Amount per 100g
Calories 45 kcal
Protein 18g
Fiber 25g
Sugars 5g
Calcium 1.2g
Phosphorus 0.25g
Magnesium 0.27g
Potassium 1.4g
Sodium 0.01g
Zinc 30mg
Copper 10mg
Iron 55mg
Vitamin A 300 IU
Vitamin D Trace amounts
Vitamin E 15 IU
Omega-3 Fatty Acids 0.8g
Omega-6 Fatty Acids 1g

These nutritional values are intended to serve as a general guide. For precise dietary recommendations tailored to your specific pet, it's always best to consult with a qualified veterinarian.

Timothy Hay

Timothy hay is widely recommended in the USA for Guinea Pigs due to its high fiber content. It aids in proper digestion, prevents hairball formation, and supports dental wear. It typically is not grown in Australia, so is only available by expensive imported products. Here at Central Victoria Hay we are hoping to grow Timothy in the near future, sign up at the bottom of this page for updates on when its ready!


4. Teff Hay

Teff hay is an ancient grain that comes from Ethiopia. It has recently came back into fashion as a grain suitable for the Paleo diet. In the animal world it is popular with horse owners who have ponies susceptible to laminitis and need a low sugar hay. Teff is essentially a 'diet' hay option for 'easy keeper' ponies, it is also suitable for Guinea Pigs that need an alternative to Oaten or Timothy. It may suit piggies or owners who have allergies to other types of hay as Teff is classified as hypoallergenic. 


Teff hay for rabbits.

Teff has fine strands and is low in digestable sugar.

Below is a nutritional table for Teff Hay. Please note that these are approximate values and can vary depending on factors such as soil quality, growing conditions, and processing methods.

Nutrient Amount per 100g
Calories 50 kcal
Protein 12g
Fiber 30g
Sugars 4g
Calcium 0.4g
Phosphorus 0.3g
Magnesium 0.2g
Potassium 1.2g
Sodium 0.02g
Zinc 20mg
Copper 6mg
Iron 45mg
Vitamin A 180 IU
Vitamin D Trace amounts
Vitamin E 22 IU
Omega-3 Fatty Acids 0.5g
Omega-6 Fatty Acids 0.6g

These nutritional values are meant to serve as a general guide. If you have specific dietary needs for your pet, it's always best to consult a veterinarian for tailored advice.

5. Straw: Straw is not suitable as a feed for Piggies, although they can chew on it and forage amongst it, they will not get any serious nutritional value from it. Some bunnie owners use straw as bedding, however its only recommended as its not very absorbant and your rabbit will just end up making a mess with it. 


Remember, hay should be the primary component of a rabbit's diet, and it should be available to them at all times. It's important to choose high-quality hay from reputable sources to ensure its freshness and nutritional value.

For more information on rabbit nutrition and hay selection, check out our Guinea Pig blog.

Provide your Guinea Pigs with the best hay available, and watch them thrive with good health and vitality!

Note: Always consult with a veterinarian for personalized advice regarding your rabbit's dietary needs.

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